Assistance Beyond the Grant

Assistance Beyond the Grant

In 2014 the Community Foundation commissioned a report from the Center for Effective Philanthropy called the Grantee Perception Report. The report surveyed our current grantees to get their honest feedback on how we were doing as grantmakers. We welcomed the...
Dream Big, SAY!

Dream Big, SAY!

The SAY Dream Center is open to provide housing, jobs and counselling to homeless youth! We couldn’t be prouder of SAY and Sonoma County for prioritizing the work of supporting youth and ensuring that the Dream Center become a reality. SAY has already welcomed some...
Missing Marv

Missing Marv

Philanthropist and community leader Marv Soiland’s legacy to Sonoma County is immeasurable. In addition to a business dynasty, he instilled a philanthropic value into both his family and community. Marv reminded everyone that it is critical to “give ten and save...