Ty Cobb’s strategic approach to giving contradicts everything we know of him. His journey to assess the needs of a community, perform due diligence, and set specific and personal giving criteria preceded many other philanthropists in his time. Today, we recall Ty Cobb...
Access to education is a basic human right and essential in ensuring that all children are able to meet their greatest potential. Early Childhood Education allows children to have equal footing when they begin their educational careers. In Sonoma County, only 39...
Community Foundation Sonoma County’s Investment Advisory Committee developed a new investment strategy for the Long-Term Pool. The changes went into effect at the end of June 2015. The goal of the changes is to improve transparency and communication, eliminate the...
Dear Friends, We know you share our heartache for our friends and neighbors, especially those in Lake County, who are facing the most devastating of circumstances wrought by the fires. We also know you are eager to help and it is no surprise to our Community...
The Greater Good for Donors Newsletter is taking a summer vacation while the staff at the Community Foundation prepares to move our offices from downtown Santa Rosa to 120 Stony Point Road. The newsletter will be back in September. What fun plans do you have for the...