Remember what you were doing in 1986? (We keep trying to forget our betamax players and day-glo accessories.) The amazing individuals who crafted, guided and led Community Foundation Sonoma County throughout our history do; they reflected on the work and impact of the...
Imagine a place where kids explore babbling creeks and old orchards, families gather together to share a meal, community members harvest fresh vegetables from a shared garden, and cyclists pass through on their way to work or play. Did you picture all of this...
It took 25 years for Community Foundation Sonoma County to reach the $100 million marker for grants made. Nine years later, that impressive grant milestone has been more than doubled, as $200+ million in support has made its way into our communities, creating ripples...
Begin with a compelling cause—making Sonoma County one of the healthiest communities in the state—add as a driving force a contingent of passionate, action-oriented organizations with deep expertise—and you have a formula for success. That’s the premise behind Health...
In 1984, Community Foundation Sonoma County began making its first grants. Jean Schulz persuaded Rolf Illsley, cofounder of Optical Coating Laboratory, Inc. to donate $10,000. “We recognized we needed to give grants in order to get newspaper attention,” Schulz said....