Community Foundation Sonoma County is pleased to welcome Jessica O’Connell as our new Controller; Jessica joined CFSC in May. We are grateful to our outgoing Controller, Lynda Desloges (who is moving to South Carolina), for her generosity of time, talent and training,...
Impact 100 Redwood Circle has awarded its first $100,000 grant to VOICES, an innovative nonprofit that provides youth with the resources they need to make the leap from foster care to successful, independent adulthood. More than 100 members of this nascent women’s...
The Greater Good for Donors and Greater Good for Advisors newsletters are going on vacation for the months of July and August. Look for their return (probably looking relaxed and tanned and full of stories of swimming pools, exotic foods, and good deeds) in September....
By Rubie Magallanes, Program Assistant, Community Foundation Sonoma County When I was in high school, I was part of a college bound program for low income first generation students called Upward Bound (which fell under the umbrella of the federally funded TRIO...
Internships at Pepperwood Preserve provide valuable opportunities for students to connect to and understand the biodiversity of Sonoma County. Sasha Ruschmeyer’s experience at the preserve created opportunities to collaborate with teachers and mentors who...
Below is a list of all organizations funded this year thanks to the generosity of Sonoma Wine Country Weekend. Fund the Future: Early Childhood Literacy We believe that if children can read, they will succeed. Bellevue Union School District: Facilities Fund...