Path to Greatness

Path to Greatness

A Man and His Mountain is a fascinating read not simply because it is remarkable story about how Kendall Jackson rose to be a major force in the national and international wine industries, but it is an even better story about Jess Jackson’s search for happiness and...
Impact 100 Launches

Impact 100 Launches

Impact 100 Redwood Circle, a new giving circle for women, expects to grant a $100,000 impact grant in 2016. Before they can begin granting, however, Founding Members are recruiting new individuals to join. Read the Press Democrat story about their goals and see images...

Mental Health Parity

People in need of mental health and substance use care still do not have equal access to treatment and services. This brief NAMI video and downloadable report explains the inequities between physical and mental health...
Increasing Local Access

Increasing Local Access

For many suffering from mental health issues, obstacles such as perceived stigma, a lack of health insurance, and transportation can be major barriers to seeking appropriate treatment. To address this issue in Sonoma Valley, the Sonoma Valley Community Health Center...