In the heart of the picturesque Sonoma Valley, the Wedekind family’s legacy of love, community, and philanthropy continues to blossom. For over a century, the family has been deeply rooted in the region, and their story is one of hard work, dedication, and a...
Sonoma Valley Catalyst Fund (Catalyst Fund) and Community Foundation Sonoma County (CFSC) are pleased to announce $500,000 in new funding for vital capital improvement projects for 13 Sonoma Valley-based nonprofit organizations. This initiative aims to support local...
Community Foundation Sonoma County gives a warm welcome to our new Community Impact Officer, Baldemar Ruppert! Baldemar describes himself as an empathetic individual with a courageous and optimistic attitude who is strongly inclined toward philanthropy and desires to...
We are thrilled to share that Óscar Chávez has been named as our new President & CEO! Óscar has been a community leader for more than 25 years and he has a deep understanding of Sonoma County and a proven track record of convening people to find solutions to...
This article was re-shared, with permission, from the Audubon Canyon Ranch blog. Audubon Canyon Ranch received a $40,000 grant from the Community Foundation Sonoma County to provide Sonoma County youth with a greater range of experiences in nature and conservation...
Three years before the North Bay’s October 2017 fires, Napa County was struck with a 6.0 earthquake, a disaster that led the county to quickly become more readily prepared for large scale emergencies. Numerous historic buildings suffered damage and nearly 200 people...