Why Five Fields of Interest?

Why Five Fields of Interest?

We are frequently asked about our five fields of interest, so we thought we would take the opportunity to share the origins of how those five areas came to be. In 2014 the Community Foundation gave out approximately $10 million dollars in grants on behalf of our...
Creative Sonoma Workshops

Creative Sonoma Workshops

Creative Sonoma is a new countywide effort to promote the arts in our community. Formed in 2014, the agency is launching a series of professional development workshops in March and April for artists and nonprofit arts organizations. These workshops are free of charge...
Dynamic Duo

Dynamic Duo

2014 was an exciting year of change for the Community Foundation, including for the Programs department. Karin Demarest became Vice President for Programs in March, and Elly Grogan joined the Foundation in May. Here’s a little bit about our team: Karin Demarest (shown...