In the heart of the picturesque Sonoma Valley, the Wedekind family’s legacy of love, community, and philanthropy continues to blossom. For over a century, the family has been deeply rooted in the region, and their story is one of hard work, dedication, and a...
“Are you familiar with the Jewish religion? Do you know what ‘tikkun olam’ means?” Carol Newman asks. “It means, ‘to repair the world.’ It’s a mitzvah, a good deed.” Her husband, Barry Sovel, adds, “It’s very much a part of our cultural and religious background.”...
Sam and Betz Miller met when Sam worked in sales for West Publishing, and Betz worked as a cataloging librarian for a Bay Area library. Married for the past 31 years, Betz and Sam have loved making their home in Santa Rosa and, after retiring early, have spent the...
Henry Trione spent more than fifty years shaping Sonoma County. The Press Democrat pays tribute to his commitment to Sonoma County from wineries to football teams, colleges to open space, his business acumen and philanthropy has created an incredible legacy. We are...
Gratitude, Dignity, Need: Community Foundation donors Barbara Wollner, Ben Cushman and George Tuttle share why they give in recent Press Democrat articles.
Family is paramount to Dean and Belinda (Bo) Soiland. So is faith. Dean, like most of his siblings, got his start in his father Marv Soiland’s sand and gravel business before he and Bo launched their BoDean Company for aggregates and asphalt in 1989. Along the way,...