Mentors change the world. They empower success and support young people through their journey to reach their goals and dreams. They enable growth, connection, experiences and as 10,000 Degrees Sonoma County says, “They believe in their amazing students!” This past...
We here at Community Foundation Sonoma County are very excited to welcome our newest colleague, Minal Patel to our team (and it isn’t just because she brought us cookies on her first day!) Minal is our new Staff Accountant and will work side by side with Controller...
At Community Foundation Sonoma County, we believe in the power of connecting people, ideas, and resources to benefit all who live here. There’s a small but critical word in that mission statement, one that deserves extra attention—all. As an organization that is...
Los Cien Founder Herman J. Hernandez took a few minutes out of his exceptional schedule to answer questions about Los Cien Sonoma County. Their work with Latinos and Amigos continues to provide opportunities to broaden our community dialogue and engagement in a...
In March 2017, Community Foundation Sonoma County hosted the second annual Women’s Leadership Circle Retreat for Sonoma County nonprofit executives. The retreat is designed to support leaders through networking, self-care, and mutual support and expertise. Beth...