Staff Gratitudes

Staff Gratitudes

During the month of November, Community Foundation Sonoma County staff recorded several gratitudes each day as part of an organization-wide exercise. We were instructed to reflect upon our day and jot down two – four people, experiences or things that we were grateful...

Women’s Leadership Retreat

Community Foundation Sonoma County is hosting a retreat for women nonprofit leaders.  The purpose of the retreat is to connect and reflect.  Participants will have the opportunity to connect with other women leaders both during and before and after the retreat to...
Social Security Changes

Social Security Changes

Social Security changes may affect us all. Are you discussing these changes? At a recent seminar for professional advisors hosted by the Community Foundation, Stephanie Curry, from Pacific Life, presented an overview of Social Security which knocked the socks off our...
Investment Strategy

Investment Strategy

Community Foundation Sonoma County’s Investment Advisory Committee developed a new investment strategy for the Long-Term Pool. The changes went into effect at the end of June 2015. The goal of the changes is to improve transparency and communication, eliminate the...