As grantmakers, we aspire to do more together because we know that when we can leverage funding and make collective grants, we can create impact on a larger scale than would be possible by making grants alone. This principle is at the heart of a new grants program we...
Dreama Goldberg was seven months pregnant and just beginning to decorate her son’s nursery when the fires swept through Coffey Park, burning the rental home she shared with her husband Bobby, and his 7-year-old daughter Kamala. They had lived in their three-bedroom...
We are closely following the flooding happening throughout the county, and want to share some updates with you about a number of nonprofits who are supporting the relief effort, or who themselves have been impacted. This is an evolving situation, as we learn more we...
Imagine a place where kids explore babbling creeks and old orchards, families gather together to share a meal, community members harvest fresh vegetables from a shared garden, and cyclists pass through on their way to work or play. Did you picture all of this...
What could be more delightful than seeing energetic young children bubbling with enthusiasm for exploring nature and reading? iREAD Outside is a weekly LandPaths series for young children and families, combining the wonders of being outside, visiting local parks and...