A man of many talents, Barry Weitzenberg is a modest, observant man. Community Foundation Sonoma County’s former board chair’s demeanor—refined, understated, and intelligent—doesn’t suggest the magnitude of his accomplishments. His activities in his spare time—golf,...
Mentors change the world. They empower success and support young people through their journey to reach their goals and dreams. They enable growth, connection, experiences and as 10,000 Degrees Sonoma County says, “They believe in their amazing students!” This past...
At Community Foundation Sonoma County, we believe in the power of connecting people, ideas, and resources to benefit all who live here. There’s a small but critical word in that mission statement, one that deserves extra attention—all. As an organization that is...
Mary Stompe’s high job satisfaction is rooted in a truly personal situation; her mother experienced what far too many seniors do. Mary explains, “My own mother, who had lived a middle class life in Marin, began a rapid downward spiral when my father died unexpectedly....
Brothers, ages 11 and 9, are put on a train alone to escape a growing threat to Jews as war looms. Their parents stay behind in Germany, hoping to join them after taking care of family affairs. They will never see each other again. Hans (“Hank”) Cohn and younger...