Expecting their first child, saving for a first home and working as a preschool teacher, all seemed well with a young family until their daughter’s birth had complications. The couple, having no health insurance, used all their savings on medical bills. Then, after...
Community Foundation Sonoma County couldn’t be more proud! We have always known that J Mullineaux is a Philanthropic Wizard but when the University of Washington inducted him into the Huskies’ Hall of Fame this October, they made it official. J was honored for...
Visit the Charles M. Schulz Museum! If pundits and politicos have left you spinning in recent weeks, re-adjust your wheels and head towards the Schulz Museum for a truly heart-warming and patriotic affair. Prepare to “oooh”, “ahhhh”, and wax nostalgic over the amazing...
“I’m at the end of my rope. Where do I turn?” A mother of four tries to improve herself through college studies while raising her kids with no help from their father. Child Parent Institute’s (CPI’s) in-home parent counseling services provides...
We are pleased to announce that we are currently accepting applications for the iREAD Competitive Grants Program. For more information click here. Significant research shows that reading aloud to children from day one is the single most important thing a parent can do...