ABC’s of DAF’s

ABC’s of DAF’s

Community Foundation Sonoma County sat down with Vice President, Philanthropic Planning J Mullineaux to discuss donor advised funds. What is a Donor Advised Fund? A donor advised fund (DAF) is a philanthropic vehicle established at a public charity such as the...
Roseland Library

Roseland Library

A library in the Roseland is no longer a dream. With a matching gift from the Community Foundation Sonoma County and Foundation donors, $40,000 has been raised to secure a temporary library in a neighborhood with limited access to books, community spaces, and research...
Upcoming Affiliate Grants Programs

Upcoming Affiliate Grants Programs

Our affiliate partners enable residents in their geographical areas to realize philanthropic potential within the local community. Each affiliate has its own local board members, donors, and grantmaking program. Affiliates benefit from Community Foundation’s...