At Community Foundation Sonoma County, we believe in the power of connecting people, ideas, and resources to benefit all who live here. There’s a small but critical word in that mission statement, one that deserves extra attention—all. As an organization that is...
Los Cien Founder Herman J. Hernandez took a few minutes out of his exceptional schedule to answer questions about Los Cien Sonoma County. Their work with Latinos and Amigos continues to provide opportunities to broaden our community dialogue and engagement in a...
Sonoma County’s largest Latino leadership organization, Los Cien, will be hosting their 3rd Annual State of the Latino Community in Sonoma County event on Thursday, September 29th at Sonoma State University. The venue is an appropriate one, as enrollment figures for...
In 2015 the Community Foundation Sonoma County established the Latino Leadership Fund, recognizing the opportunity to act as a catalyst in building diverse leadership so that our future leaders reflect the demographics of the communities they are serving. Through the...
Bringing bilingual art classes to the Springs. “The arts are not a frill. The arts are a response to our individuality and our nature, and help to shape our identity. What is there that can transcend deep difference and stubborn divisions? The arts. They...