The Portrait of Sonoma County highlights the critical role that early childhood education plays in a person’s later success in school, career, and overall health and well-being. At Community Foundation Sonoma County we’ve taken a leadership role with a countywide...
2014 was an exciting year of change for the Community Foundation, including for the Programs department. Karin Demarest became Vice President for Programs in March, and Elly Grogan joined the Foundation in May. Here’s a little bit about our team: Karin Demarest (shown...
The start of a new year brings us fresh opportunities for personal growth. Perhaps we resolve to go to the gym more often, develop a new hobby, or learn a new skill. But what about community growth? How can we, as individuals, resolve to help our community? Our CEO...
Welcome to the New Year and to the launch of Greater Good, our bimonthly newsletter for the nonprofit community of Sonoma County. It is a new year at Community Foundation Sonoma County and we’re excited by the opportunity to keep you informed about our grantmaking and...