What could be more delightful than seeing energetic young children bubbling with enthusiasm for exploring nature and reading? iREAD Outside is a weekly LandPaths series for young children and families, combining the wonders of being outside, visiting local parks and...
Mentors change the world. They empower success and support young people through their journey to reach their goals and dreams. They enable growth, connection, experiences and as 10,000 Degrees Sonoma County says, “They believe in their amazing students!” This past...
Los Cien Founder Herman J. Hernandez took a few minutes out of his exceptional schedule to answer questions about Los Cien Sonoma County. Their work with Latinos and Amigos continues to provide opportunities to broaden our community dialogue and engagement in a...
Brothers, ages 11 and 9, are put on a train alone to escape a growing threat to Jews as war looms. Their parents stay behind in Germany, hoping to join them after taking care of family affairs. They will never see each other again. Hans (“Hank”) Cohn and younger...
In Sonoma County we consider ourselves lucky to escape the snowy, downright freezing weather that many of our fellow Americans contend with over the winter months. But that’s also taking for granted a dry, warm place to call home that insulates us from the elements....