Reframe the holidays in your workplace to include a more generous approach to your community and selves. Research shows that employee satisfaction is higher amongst individuals whose employers participate in community engagement (i.e. making donations, volunteering...
Community Foundation Sonoma County couldn’t be more proud! We have always known that J Mullineaux is a Philanthropic Wizard but when the University of Washington inducted him into the Huskies’ Hall of Fame this October, they made it official. J was honored for...
What happens when 15 of Sonoma County’s most interesting women nonprofit leaders get together? A lot of laughter and support bubbles out of the room. Partnerships and friendships are formed. Ideas and best practices are generously shared. A circle of support is...
Social Security changes may affect us all. Are you discussing these changes? At a recent seminar for professional advisors hosted by the Community Foundation, Stephanie Curry, from Pacific Life, presented an overview of Social Security which knocked the socks off our...
Get ready for National Financial Literacy Month (April 2016). Elite Advisors have a unique opportunity to improve financial literacy and awareness and thereby increase the quality of life of clients, friends, and family. The Financial Awareness Foundation (FAF), a...