Dream Big, SAY!

Dream Big, SAY!

The SAY Dream Center is open to provide housing, jobs and counselling to homeless youth! We couldn’t be prouder of SAY and Sonoma County for prioritizing the work of supporting youth and ensuring that the Dream Center become a reality. SAY has already welcomed some...
Four Months Later

Four Months Later

Just four months after the devastating wildfires ravaged Lake County, community members are planning the next phase of recovery. Their determination to rebuild is supported by government, private and nonprofit resources. Earlier in January, Senator Mike McGuire...
ABC’s of DAF’s

ABC’s of DAF’s

Community Foundation Sonoma County sat down with Vice President, Philanthropic Planning J Mullineaux to discuss donor advised funds. What is a Donor Advised Fund? A donor advised fund (DAF) is a philanthropic vehicle established at a public charity such as the...
Happier Holidays

Happier Holidays

The frenzy of the holidays can detract from the joy and generosity that is the season’s hallmark. Stepping back for perspective just got easier with Lisa Parker’s fun philanthropic guide for families at the holidays, “The Hip Family’s Guide to Happier Holidays”....