Your clients can take advantage of several estate planning strategies designed to help them make charitable gifts while enjoying tax benefits and preserving economic security for themselves and their loved ones.
Download our Legacy Giving Options (PDF) for complete descriptions of the following choices.
Bequest – reduces estate taxes while supporting their community.
Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) – increases income (or provides income for another person); when the trust terminates, the remaining funds are used to support their charitable interests.
Charitable Lead Trust (CLT) – allows clients to make significant charitable gifts in the near term while transferring substantial assets to beneficiaries; potential benefits are significantly lowered gift and estate taxes.
Retained Life Estate – ensures that clients have lifetime security in a home that they gift to the Community Foundation as a charitable contribution.
Life Insurance – can be used as a charitable asset, making clients eligible for a charitable tax deduction based on the current value of a paid-up policy.
Retirement Fund Plan – can be used to support clients’ charitable interests while achieving significant tax advantages for their heirs.
Real Estate – entitles clients to the same federal tax advantages as gifts of securities (for the fair market value of the property), eliminating capital gains tax.
Pooled Income Fund – operates like a mutual fund and gives clients the tax benefits of a charitable trust with minimized investment risk and overhead costs.
If your clients would like to learn about the philanthropic services available to them with the Community Foundation, please contact us or have them call us directly to arrange a meeting.
For more information, please contact us: