Resilient Organizations Program

In 2024, CFSC launched the Resilient Organizations Program to strengthen the capacity of local health and human services nonprofits in Sonoma County. The program was built in recognition that a strong and agile network of organizations will lead to more adaptable communities.

The program began with a community needs assessment, gathering insights from 45 local nonprofits. From this, Board Governance & Development and Fundraising Strategies emerged as top priorities. In partnership with the Center for Volunteer and Nonprofit Leadership (CVNL), targeted trainings were provided to strengthen organizational capacity. The first phase of the program kicked off in September 2024 with over 80 nonprofit staff and board members at an inaugural event. From there, health and human services nonprofits attended nine full-day trainings, tailored to organizations of different sizes. Across all sessions, 149 total participants received a total of 894 hours of training. 

Feedback was overwhelmingly positive—participants valued the hands-on learning, expert-led sessions, and connections with peers facing similar challenges. Many expressed that this training would have been financially out of reach otherwise. An evaluation report by CVNL revealed considerable increases in the comfort levels of attendees on training topics. 

Inspired by the program’s success, CFSC is committed to expanding the program in 2025 with additional topics and opportunities and a broad invitation to any Sonoma County nonprofit interested in participating. 

If you represent an organization in Sonoma County that would like to participate in the program, please email

Program Trainings & Opportunities

Trainings are designed to encourage networking and partnership-building throughout the program. Each organization is invited to have two representatives at each training.

The Resilient Organizations Program will promote organizational financial stability and resilience through the following activities:

1. Opportunities for collaboration to strengthen collective impact among an ecosystem of nonprofit partners. These opportunities will also help funders undersrtand the deeper capacity-building needs of nonprofits, informing future grantmaking in this space.

2. Trainings for staff and board leadership. Trainings will be offered in areas of need most identified by participating nonprofits.

Trainings for 2025 will be held in April and May. Topics and schedules will be announced in March. To stay up to date on future trainings, email


Past Trainings:

Grant Writing Regional Training
September 17, 2024 
Provided by: Northern California Grantmakers and Philanthropy CA
Topic: How to pursue grant funds to support your organization’s vision and values, with an emphasis on building organizational capacity to address climate resilience initiatives.

Board Governance & Development 
Fall 2024
Provided by: Center for Volunteer and Nonprofit Leadership (CVNL) 
Topic: Cohort based, with specific trainings for both board members and leadership. Learning objectives included defining board roles and responsibilities, enhancing board structures and functionality, and strengthen board recruitment and development. 

Strategies for Fundraising
Fall 2024
Provided by: Center for Volunteer and Nonprofit Leadership (CVNL) 
Topic: Cohort style trainings with the objectibe of learning to design and execute giving campaigns, create and manage fund development plans, and engage boards and stakeholders in fundraising. 

Resilient Organizations Partners

Community Foundation Sonoma County will partner with expert organizations to provide trainings and other opportunities for local stakeholders in nonprofit resilience. Current partners include:

Center for Volunteer & Nonprofit Leadership

CVNL is committed to advancing nonprofits and volunteerism by strengthening leadership, encouraging innovation, and empowering individuals in the community. With a focus on training, resources, and support, CVNL provides leadership development, volunteer matching, consulting services, and other essential resources to nonprofit organizations. 

Northern California Grantmakers

NCG is made up of community members across philanthropy including program officers, board members, donor trustees, individual donors, movement conveners, communicators, visionaries, advocates, dreamers, and believers. NCG believes in our collective power for good.

If you represent an organization in Sonoma County that would like to participate in the program, please email


For questions about the Resilient Organizations Program, please contact:

Amy Holter

Amy Holter

Vice President for Community Impact


Donors and fund holders with questions about supporting the Resilient Organizations Program, please contact:

Rebecca Rogoway

Rebecca Rogoway

Philanthropic Advisor
