The Sonoma County Resilience Fund

Sonoma County has seen unbelievable hardship, and through it all, we continue to build tremendous resilience. Through wildfires, floods, and a global pandemic, the community has come together time and again to face incredible odds.


We acknowledge that climate change will continue to cause disasters and extreme weather in our community far into the future, so our investments today must be impactful for decades to come. 


The Sonoma County Resilience Fund is the only long-term recovery fund in Sonoma County dedicated to supporting those impacted by disaster. Since the 2017 wildfires, we have granted more than $19 million to support nonprofit organizations working on the front lines of disaster response and recovery.

These grants are focused on helping those affected, healing the long-term effects of trauma, housing solutions for our community, and preparedness for the next disaster. 


Our work continues.


Latest News

Giving Back During COVID-19: An Interview With Hanford ARC

Giving Back During COVID-19: An Interview With Hanford ARC

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Sonoma Family Meal: Feeding Families, Supporting Restaurants

Story by Dani Burlison, Photos by Caitlin Childs During the 2017 North Bay fires, Heather Irwin came up with what she refers to as a “silly idea” to help feed displaced families. Irwin, a local reporter focusing on Sonoma County’s restaurants, started getting phone...

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Other Ways to Give

  • Mail a check to Community Foundation Sonoma County, 120 Stony Point Rd., Suite 220, Santa Rosa, CA 95401. Please indicate “Sonoma County Resilience Fund” in the memo line.
  • Transfer stock or securities; contact a Philanthropic Advisor to begin the process.
  • To learn about more ways to give, contact us.

Thank you for your generosity and commitment to Sonoma County.