The Sonoma County Resilience Fund

Sonoma County has seen unimaginable hardship these past five years.


A fire that destroyed over 5,300 homes in 2017, flooding and a 77,000 acre fire in 2019, and the compounding burden of the coronavirus.


The Sonoma County Resilience Fund is the only long-term recovery fund in Sonoma County dedicated to supporting residents impacted by disaster.


We have made more than $17 million in grants to support nonprofit organizations working on the front lines of disaster recovery.


Our work continues.


Latest News

Healing Workshops for Community Trauma

Healing Workshops for Community Trauma

Studies show that widespread trauma and PTSD reactions are common after natural disasters, something we know all too well in the aftermath of the Kincade Fire, when stress levels and anxiety spiked for many of us. Unaddressed trauma has long-term effects on children’s...

Kincade Fire Response: where to give

Kincade Fire Response: where to give

Updated Wednesday, October 31, 2019: Welcome home Sonoma County. We are incredibly, unspeakably, grateful to the first responders who worked tirelessly to keep the Kincade Fire from spreading further and who are now able to welcome so many of our neighbors home. As...

HEALING SPOTLIGHT: Resilience Collaborative

HEALING SPOTLIGHT: Resilience Collaborative

Over the course of eight days this fall and winter, 115 community members from all walks of life—doctors, social workers, teachers, counselors, waiters, yoga instructors, chaplains—gathered to learn skills to help our community heal. Dr. Bo Greaves, who retired from...

Donate to the Resilience Fund

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Other Ways to Give

  • Mail a check to Community Foundation Sonoma County, 120 Stony Point Rd., Suite 220, Santa Rosa, CA 95401. Please indicate “Sonoma County Resilience Fund” in the memo line.
  • Transfer stock or securities; contact a Philanthropic Advisor to begin the process.
  • To learn about more ways to give, contact us.

Thank you for your generosity and commitment to Sonoma County.