The Sonoma County Resilience Fund

Sonoma County has seen unimaginable hardship these past five years.


A fire that destroyed over 5,300 homes in 2017, flooding and a 77,000 acre fire in 2019, and the compounding burden of the coronavirus.


The Sonoma County Resilience Fund is the only long-term recovery fund in Sonoma County dedicated to supporting residents impacted by disaster.


We have made more than $17 million in grants to support nonprofit organizations working on the front lines of disaster recovery.


Our work continues.


Latest News

HEALING SPOTLIGHT: Wildfire Mental Health Collaborative

HEALING SPOTLIGHT: Wildfire Mental Health Collaborative

Long after the chaos of a disaster is resolved, the ongoing effects become clear. Over the fall, nearly one year after the October 2017 fires, Sonoma County was in a critical stage of post-disaster recovery. This phase of the recovery process, when some people are...



Over the past 15 months, Legal Aid of Sonoma County has been instrumental in helping thousands of fire survivors navigate the complex legal issues related to their recovery. They have done this work, thanks in part, to a grant from our Resilience Fund, which allowed...

HELPING SPOTLIGHT: Catholic Charities

HELPING SPOTLIGHT: Catholic Charities

Dreama Goldberg was seven months pregnant and just beginning to decorate her son’s nursery when the fires swept through Coffey Park, burning the rental home she shared with her husband Bobby, and his 7-year-old daughter Kamala. They had lived in their three-bedroom...

Donate to the Resilience Fund

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Other Ways to Give

  • Mail a check to Community Foundation Sonoma County, 120 Stony Point Rd., Suite 220, Santa Rosa, CA 95401. Please indicate “Sonoma County Resilience Fund” in the memo line.
  • Transfer stock or securities; contact a Philanthropic Advisor to begin the process.
  • To learn about more ways to give, contact us.

Thank you for your generosity and commitment to Sonoma County.