The Sonoma County Resilience Fund

Sonoma County has seen unimaginable hardship these past five years.


A fire that destroyed over 5,300 homes in 2017, flooding and a 77,000 acre fire in 2019, and the compounding burden of the coronavirus.


The Sonoma County Resilience Fund is the only long-term recovery fund in Sonoma County dedicated to supporting residents impacted by disaster.


We have made more than $17 million in grants to support nonprofit organizations working on the front lines of disaster recovery.


Our work continues.


Latest News

CPI: Supporting Families Throughout the Pandemic

CPI: Supporting Families Throughout the Pandemic

When Robin Bowen, Executive Director at Child Parent Institute (CPI) in Santa Rosa, first called her staff together to discuss the impact COVID-19 would have on the organization, she—like many others—wasn’t expecting the pandemic’s duration would last this long. “We...

Donate to the Resilience Fund

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Other Ways to Give

  • Mail a check to Community Foundation Sonoma County, 120 Stony Point Rd., Suite 220, Santa Rosa, CA 95401. Please indicate “Sonoma County Resilience Fund” in the memo line.
  • Transfer stock or securities; contact a Philanthropic Advisor to begin the process.
  • To learn about more ways to give, contact us.

Thank you for your generosity and commitment to Sonoma County.